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CTsow, the Messiah

Progress Post - 2/10/21

Updated: Feb 16, 2021

For this studio project, I just wanted a lot of practice drawing. I tend to draw very little on a day-to-day basis, and I want to make art less of a hobby and more of a habit. That way, the volume of my work should naturally increase. Doing more work often makes your work better, but there's the mental block of getting frustrated with how/what you create that needs to be overcome. And then eventually you have to deal with burning out. I also want to get better at visualizing things based on how they actually appear, not how I think they should. It's been a long time since I've done some proper observational drawings.

So, from today until the critique, I will arrange and draw still lifes on printer paper in pencil, multiple times a day, from multiple different angles. I have a few rules:

  1. Draw without erasing lines. I need to work with my mistakes, not be obsessed with fixing them.

  2. Look at the objects as much as possible while drawing.

  3. No repeating objects from one day to another.

  4. Minimum of 3 objects, should also consider the background but not mandatory.

  5. No throwing away anything I draw.

  6. Every drawing will, in the end, be used in the final product, even if I hate that drawing.

  7. Draw, at least, every weekday, for 45 minutes, an hour on studio days.

I may mix it up with a figure drawing session or two if I can persuade a family member or something, but that's the basic gist. I don't really know what the final product will look like, I have half of an idea to turn all of these into one or two use stencils and making some sort of abstract collage, but we'll see. The main point is artistic development and growth on my own front. Here are today's drawings and one of the ways I arranged my 3 props (a lemon, glass half filled with water, and a red book):

I definitely need to push my values more, these don't read much like the actual objects themselves as vague impressions of the objects. I don't necessarily care about realism, but definitely about how the drawings read from a glance. The photo of the props is the arrangement for the drawing on the right. I did 4 drawings spending about 15 minutes each, so I feel like they're fine for how little time I spent on them. That said, I may try spending more time so I can really develop those values.

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